HEEHRA rebates are funded by the federal Inflation Reduction Act, which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission (CEC). HEEHRA rebates are only available through HEEHRA-trained, TECH Clean California-certified contractors. TECH Clean California contractors will provide project quotes, reserve incentive funds, perform installations, and guide you through the HEEHRA rebate process. Your rebate will be provided to you as either an instant discount on your invoice or as a reimbursement after the rebate has been processed. Your TECH Clean California contractor can also help identify other available incentives to help reduce the cost of your project.
$45 million in statewide rebates is available now for heat pump equipment to heat and cool single family homes! Income-qualified California residents can receive a HEEHRA rebate of up to $8,000 through TECH Clean California. Single family homes include buildings with four or less units (fourplexes, duplexes, singles), condos, and manufactured or mobile homes. To receive this rebate, you as a customer must:
1. First, check if your income qualifies for a HEEHRA rebate by going to
the HEEHRA Rebates Verification Portal at heehra-incomeportal.com. In the portal, you can quickly check if your household’s annual income qualifies for a HEEHRA rebate by populating the “Check Income Guidelines” section with the county in which your home address resides and the number of people living in your home.
2. If your household income appears to meet the pre-screening threshold, select a TECH Clean California-certified contractor trained in HEEHRA rebates. Find certified contractors at The Switch Is On’s Contractor Finder.
3. Once you have chosen a contractor, go back to the HEEHRA Income Verification Portal and set up an account then follow the steps to verify your income.
The HEEHRA Rebates Verification Portal requires you to enter the email address of your contractor. We highly recommend finding a contractor before qualifying your income. If you do not have a contractor and wish to verify your income, you can enter in your own email address for “contractor email address” and update it later.
4. After you complete the income verification application, you and your contractor will receive an approval or denial notice via email (usually within three days). The approval notice will allow your contractor to start the HEEHRA rebate reservation process.
At any point, you can also login to the HEEHRA Rebates Verification Portal and see the status of your application in your user profile. You will receive status updates via email as well.
$35 million in statewide rebates for multifamily projects is available (effective October 8, 2024) for heat pumps for space heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters, cooktops, ranges, ovens, and heat pump clothes dryers, as well as electrical equipment such as electrical panel upgrades and wiring.
Multifamily property owners interested in HEEHRA rebates available through TECH Clean California can submit a quick Application Stage 1 Form to initiate an eligibility review. Multifamily projects, which include five or more income-qualified living units per property, that pass this initial screening will move to the next stage.
The next stage requires submission of a HEEHRA rebate reservation form, including an agreement to the program terms and conditions, to secure the funding.
If you are a multifamily property owner who is interested in finding out more, please apply here:
Customers can explore incentives available near you on the Switch is On’s Incentive Finderpage.
Switch is On: Single Family Customer Resources
We make it easier for you to invest in energy efficient appliances and products by offering rebates and special promotions.
We are here to help you make the right energy-saving decisions for your home. Check out the programs and rebates we have available to help you save!
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